Valtellina Veteran Car (VVCar) is a non-profit association founded in 1987 in Sondrio (Valtellina, Italy) by a group of vintage vehicles enthusiasts to protect and spread the culture, conservation, knowledge and use of vintage vehicles. The VVcar has been ASI federated since 1988.

The Club deals with the valorization of historic two- and four-wheeled vehicles not only for their artistic and technical value but also for their historical, cultural and social value. To this end, all the activities connected to certification take on a leading role in the panorama of services offered by the club to the enthusiasts, as certification guarantees compliance with the conditions of correct historicity of the vehicle and allows a vehicle to be defined as “historic” instead “old”.

Le certificazioni avvengono secondo i criteri di legge (codice della strada) e nel rispetto dei capitolati stabiliti da ASI nel caso di certificazioni nazionali mentre nel caso di certificazioni internazionali sono seguiti i criteri previsti da FIVA (Federation Internationale des Vehicules Anciens) di cui il Valtellina Veteran Car è Competence Center.

The Club, having to cover a large territory, is structured to be able to offer efficient and local support.

The list of services offered can be consulted in the brochure below, on the site (both only in Italian) or writing to [email protected]

Meeting moments within the Club are frequent and focused (cars, motorbikes, agricultural tractors), driven by the passion for “historic” vehicles and open to collaboration with other clubs that share the same principles. The Belle Époque Lake Como event intends to act as a reference for the club in this particular niche.


Piazza Cavour 11/12 – 23100 Sondrio
Manuela Del Togno (cell. +39 346.9497520) mailto:[email protected]

For information about Belle Èpoque Lake Como or to share photos taken during the event you can write to [email protected]